Burke Rice is the Director of Sales for the Western US at rapid! PayCard. Burke brings to his role more than 25 years of sales, sales management, operational oversight, and entrepreneurial experience. In his early career, Burke worked in banking and public accounting with Bank of America, US Bank, and Grant Thornton LLP. Over the past ten years, Burke has focused on the unbanked and underserved population of the US, serving as Executive Vice President of a national payroll card company and Chief Operating Officer of a start-up organization designed to serve the cash economy. Burke is a fourth-generation Oregonian and currently resides in Portland, OR with his wife Christy and… Read More
Burke Rice
Alex Bartels
Alex Bartels is currently the Director of Enrollment for rapid! PayCard. Alex joined rapid! PayCard in 2009 and previously held the positions of Sr. Team Lead, Prepaid Enrollment from 2013-2014 and Enrollment Specialist from 2009-2013. Alex brings more than 7 years client enrollment and client support experience to the rapid! PayCard team. Alex lives in Tampa Florida and is a graduate from the University of Tampa.
Steve McDonald
Green Dot’s SimplyPaid & rapid! PayCard solutions provide organizations with the most comprehensive Wage, Corporate Payments & PayCard benefit/e-Payroll programs designed for employers choosing to convert to electronic delivery of wage payments. Steve’s career spans over 25 years of Sales, Management/Executive Management experience with Nike Inc. (5 years), Automatic Data Processing (17 years), First Data Corporation (4 Years) and currently with Green Dot Corporation – rapid! Paycard (5 years). The last 20+ years focused in the Employer – Financial Services and Payments Arena. Steve works closely with the APA (American Payroll Association) and other National Associations and is a regular “Key Note” speaker Nationally in the Wage, Payroll and Payments… Read More
Dallas Wilfong
Dallas Wilfong is the Director of Sales for the Eastern US at rapid! PayCard. In addition to his leadership and management role at rapid! PayCard, Dallas travels the United States to promote knowledge and education in the Paycard industry through supporting and speaking at numerous conferences, trade shows, and association meetings annually. Dallas has been with rapid! PayCard since 2012. Prior to joining rapid! PayCard, Dallas gained much of his experience working with the unbanked and underserved segment of the population while working in the Staffing Industry for over 10 years. In that industry he held many roles such as General Manager, Division Manager, and National Business Development Manager. Dallas… Read More
Brian Slowik
Brian is one of the rapid! PayCard Founders and is currently the Senior Vice President of Wage & Corporate Disbursements with Green Dot Corporation. Brian brings to his role more than 25 years of management, leadership and entrepreneurial experience. Prior to joining Green Dot, Brian was most recently Vice President of rapid! PayCard. He was responsible for the Business to Business go to market strategy and revenue team management of the paycard group for UniRush, a multi-line prepaid company. Prior to joining UniRush, Brian was most recently VP of Prepaid Cards at WEX Inc. As part of WEX’s prepaid revenue leadership team he was and remains active in national paycard and regulatory advocacy… Read More
Chris Ruppel
Chris is one of the rapid! PayCard Founders and is currently the General Manager of Wage & Corporate Disbursements with Green Dot Corporation. Chris brings to his role more than 20 years of management, leadership and entrepreneurial experience. Prior to joining Green Dot, Chris was most recently President of rapid! PayCard and General Manager of Card Portfolios for UniRush, LLC. He was responsible for the management of card products for this multi-line prepaid company. Prior to joining UniRush, Chris was most recently VP and GM of Prepaid Cards for the Americas at WEX Inc. As part of WEX’s global expansion in the Americas, the WEX prepaid card business expanded into Brazil with the acquisition of FastCred and a… Read More